LAGI 2020 Fly Ranch Portfolio
Please click on the images below to follow the link to the project detail page where you'll find three design boards and narrative that were submitted by participants in LAGI 2020 Fly Ranch. We encourage you to read through the written narrative for details about the proposals. If it doesn't render for you the first time, please try refreshing the page, or you can use the direct download link.
Thanks to everyone who made the project possible, including all of the participating designers—whose creative, innovative, and inspiring work comprise this online exhibition—the selection process committee members, jurors, and all of the amazing people at Fly Ranch and Burning Man Project.
We invite anyone who would like to support projects to engage, comment, and offer words of wisdom regarding the top ten and the shortlisted proposals. Feel free to offer advice and volunteer to help throughout the prototyping process, which will take place beginning in the Summer of 2021.
All of the designs are the property of the respective teams. If you share images or text, please credit the complete team. If you would like to be a part of realizing any of these projects, please get in touch with us and we will connect you with the team.