
“Every Action Counts,” Sustainability Victoria CEO Says of Climate Change Challenge

How to shift human behavior is a central question for anyone committed to a…


Pollution Pods: Making Climate Change Visceral Through Art

What role can art play in communicating climate change? It's a discussion that…


LAGI 2025 Fiji: Art, Co-creation, and Climate Adaptation in Fiji’s Rural Island Communities

Marou locals welcoming us to their village with song. LAGI 2025 Fiji is a…


The Ultimate Guide to Politically Effective Climate Communications

Header Image: The Solar Hourglass by Santiago Muros Cortés is the winner of the…


Anthropocene Warns of the Climate Crisis While Offering a Solution

“The Holocene has ended. The Garden of Eden is no more. We have changed the…


Climate Art Generator

Subarquitectura Fernanco Valderrama Garre, Andres Silanes Calonge, and Calos…


Snøhetta’s Sustainable Design Philosophy

The Opera House in Oslo. Photo courtesy of Snøhetta. This post was originally…


Prototyping with the LAGI 2020 teams at Fly Ranch

Four years ago, the Land Art Generator Initiative co-founders visited Fly Ranch…


WindNest at SEE MONSTER: A Conversation With the Artist

WindNest by Trevor Lee is coming to life on SEE MONSTER! The world’s first…


Land Art of the 21st Century

Front cover: Geocatcher, Ricardo Solar Lezama, Jeremy Nguyen. Back cover:…


Los Fotónes, 2040

Below is a news article that someone mailed to us from the year 2040. We're not…


Remarks by the President

The following essay was written by Elizabeth Monoian and Robert Ferry in March…


Deploying Energy for People: A Field Guide to Implementation

How to Plan Inclusive Renewable Energy Infrastructure for Communities Involving…


Regenerative Building Materials: Seven Questions to Ask While Designing

Note: This guide might be a helpful resource for LAGI 2020 Fly Ranch…


Clean Energy Equity Act

How to tackle energy poverty, lower greenhouse gas emissions, reduce…


$10 Billion Dollars = Rooftop Solar for Two Million Homes.

Nearly a decade ago, we wrote a piece called "SOLAR JOBS STIMULUS: 7 MILLION…


Design the Future of Fly Ranch
LAGI 2020 Fly Ranch is Open!

The Land Art Generator Initiative and Burning Man Project have partnered to…


2020s: Decade of Deployment

Above: The Solar Seesaw by Luca Fraccalvieri and Ahmad Nouraldeen uses flexible…


Second Edition of A Field Guide to Renewable Energy Technologies

A Field Guide to Renewable Energy Technologies is a free resource published by…


The Pulse Breathes New Energy Into Masdar City

A modern structure emulates the elegant forms of nature. The Pulse by Fatima…


Crack in the Ground Reveals Urban Innovation in Sustainable Infrastructure

The artwork is a metaphor and an architectural synthesis of landscape change.…


The sun makes rain over a new Oasis for Masdar City

“The Oasis at Masdar demonstrates to the world that it is possible to create a…


The Art of the Green New Deal

Sustainable infrastructures will be the cultural landmarks of the 21st……


Special Edition Open-Call LAGI Design Competition for Masdar City, Abu Dhabi

LAGI 2019 Opens on January 16th, 2019 and closes on May 12th, 2019. In a…


Energy Overlays: The Future of Clean Power Plants

If you are in search of inspiring clean energy solutions, then you will love…


NH Architecture and Olson Kundig win 1st and 2nd place in LAGI 2018 Melbourne

Light UpArtist Team: Martin Heide, Dean Boothroyd, Emily Von Moger, David…


The Lighthouse Keeper, by Andrew Dana Hudson

Editor's note: The short story below is included in our latest publication,…


Shimmering halo generator by Grimshaw Architects captures solar energy from all angles

St Kilda HaloArtist Team: Pete Spence, Hiroe Fujimoto, Sacha Hickinbotham,…


25 Designs Shortlisted for the 2018 Land Art Generator Design Competition for Melbourne

The fifth biennial Land Art Generator Initiative design competition concluded…


Sun Ray is a solar “specular sun” that can power 220 Melbourne homes

Almost a ray of sunlight radiating from a gap in the clouds: A "specular sun"…