The Alternative Power Research + Exhibition Park (AP-REP)
Studio for the Production of Reality: M. Gunnison Collins (Lead Designer &…
Choreographies in the sky: Fourth Place Mention from the Jury
Carlos Campos Yamila Zynda Aiub Architects with team members: Ignacio Savid,…
Light Sanctuary: An Empowered Landscape for the United Arab Emirates
By Martina Decker and Peter Yeadon (Decker Yeadon LLC, New York City). Designed…
Excerpt from “The Ecology of Freedom” by Murray Bookchin
I was reading yesterday this section (Chapter 9 - Two Images of Technology) in…
Popular Science Article on 10MW Tower
click for larger image We're thrilled to have had the 10MW tower concept…
Could Parking Power Canvas Be Public Art Medium?
Living in the UAE, where there are tens of thousands of canvas covered parking…
Meta-thoughts About the LAGI Project
The other day we received a well-intentioned email that posed the question…
Aesthetic Pushback
Another story appeared yesterday, this time about large solar installations in…
SF Bay Bridge = Work of Renewable Energy Art?
We at the Land Art Generator Initiative are big fans of John King's idea for…
Bloom Energy: Be the Solution
I read with fascination this morning on Gizmag about a 60 Minutes episode…
100x Less Silicone for New Type of Flexible Photovoltaics
Professor Harry Atwater from California Institute of Technology has announced a…
DSSC: Synthetic Photosynthesis
A New York Times article from Jan 30 explains the technology by G24…
The Aesthetics of Renewable Energy
Our round table discussion at the World Future Energy Summit was entitled, The…
Surface Area Required to Offset Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide Emissions by Reforestation Alone
Click image for larger version. What the graphic shows clearly is that planting…
Flexible Panels as Sculptural Medium
A re-working of Jean Arp's 1942 Silencieux that I have dubbed Solarcieux…
Would Beaming Energy from Space Affect Global Warming?
I've stumbled across a number of articles recently that seriously propose that…
Za’abeel Park Tower in Article on Gizmag
Gizmag features an article on the Almeisan Tower here. My original post on the…
The Ibn Al Haytham Pavilion for Mushrif Park
Concentrated photovoltaic (CPV or HPVC) technology concentrates sunlight…