UPDATE: The project has received great press coverage. For a sample see our post on News & Events.
Arch of Time, a permanent solar photovoltaic artwork, sets a new standard of environmental sustainability for public art.
Climate Leadership from the World’s Energy Capital
The City of Houston is taking a bold move in climate leadership, announcing its latest work of permanent art in public space. Arch of Time—a regenerative and permanent sculptural installation—which will be installed in a prominent public park in the city.
The LAGI artwork by Berlin-based artist and architect Riccardo Mariano takes the form of a 100-foot-tall triumphal arch and serves as a gateway to the city. It is also an interactive time-measuring device that creates a thread between the celestial and the terrestrial by beaming sunlight onto the ground plane of the public park. Each beam of light is uniquely composed throughout the seasons and hours of the day by the geometry of the artwork, which responds to the specific latitude and longitude of Houston.
Incorporating solar modules into the south-facing exterior of the sculpture, Arch of Time will generate approximately 400,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity each year, equivalent to the demand of forty Texas homes.
Inspiring a Generation
“This unique artwork is more than a sculpture. It is a renewable energy power plant. It is a monument to a new era of energy,” said Mayor Sylvester Turner. “The City of Houston has always stood at the vanguard of energy innovation and the Arch of Time artwork stands in that tradition, highlighting Houston’s role as an art city and as global leader in the energy transition. We are inspired by the vision and creative thinking. Marrying clean energy, the built environment, and truly World Class art is Houston.”
The project is the culmination of many years of planning by the Land Art Generator Initiative (LAGI), a nonprofit dedicated to advancing climate solutions through art and design. It is being made possible by a consortium of donors with initial seed funding from the Acronym Fund, a foundation dedicated to advancing arts and culture established by Donald and Barbara Tober. In 2021, the directors of LAGI were invited to speak at the annual CODAworx public art conference, CODAsummit, presenting the Barbara Tober Keynote Address: Reimagining Public Art as Energy Landscapes for a Post-Carbon World.
LAGI’s vision of the energy transition is one in which artists and designers play a key role in bringing renewable energy technologies into landscapes and cities, using solar modules and other clean tech as media for creative expression and placemaking. In this way they hope to turn the climate conversation from one of despair to one of excitement. Since 2008 they have been holding open call international design competitions for cities around the world and have amassed a portfolio of thousands of ideas to demonstrate how renewable energy can be beautiful.
One of those ideas is Arch of Time, originally an entry to the LAGI 2019 design competition for Abu Dhabi (a Houston sister city) in partnership with Masdar City. Through a competitive process, Riccardo Mariano’s artwork was chosen by the city of Houston to be implemented at full scale. Through his engagement with the community, Riccardo has given his art a new title and modified its details to fit the context of the park and the uses of the plaza.

Public Art as Climate Solution
Over its lifetime, the artwork will generate more than 12 million kilowatt-hours of clean, renewable energy—the equivalent of removing 8,500 metric tons of carbon dioxide. Through the clean energy it produces, Arch of Time will pay back its embodied carbon footprint. In other words, all the energy that went into its making—from the smelting of the steel to the drilling that puts the final cladding into place—will be offset through the energy it generates. Beyond its break-even point, which will be tracked and celebrated with the community, the artwork will live as a net-positive contributor to a healthy climate and the planet will be better off for its existence.
Speaking about his ideas behind the artwork, the artist Riccardo Mariano adds, “The apparent movement of the sun in the sky activates the space with light and colors and engages viewers who participate in the creation of the work by their presence. It is a practical example to illustrate the movement of the earth around the sun in a playful way. Arch of Time merges renewable energy generation with public space and into the everyday life. Inspired by science and powered by renewable energy, the artwork is a bridge between art and technology and encourages educational purposes while improving public space. At night the space within the arch will be used as a stage for outdoor public events.”
Tracing the path of the sun across the sky, Arch of Time is both a monumental sculpture and a shaded place to meet, linger, experience, and perform. The new public sculpture welcomes locals and visitors and will soon become a new destination for the city of Houston.

From Abu Dhabi to Houston
The project was made possible through the Land Art Generator Initiative partnership with Masdar City, a pioneering sustainable urban development in Abu Dhabi dedicated to creating a new kind of city and a new way of working and living. The design brief of the LAGI 2019 design competition inspired Riccardo Mariano to imagine the concept of the artwork.
“It was a pleasure to be part of the LAGI competition in 2019, and we’re very excited to be seeing the winning entry come to life—particularly in Abu Dhabi’s sister city,” said Chris Wan, the associate director of sustainability and corporate social responsibility at Masdar City. “We know that public art plays a significant role in the fabric of a city, and Arch of Time is so much more than public art: it will also educate the public about sustainability while celebrating and advocating for it. It’s a powerful combination. I hope to see more art like it in the cities of the future.”
Back at the City of Houston, the project is led by the City’s Civic Art Program Manager and guided by representatives from multiple departments including The Mayor’s Office of Cultural Affairs, Houston Parks and Recreation, the Mayor’s Office of Complete Communities, Houston Public Works, the General Services Department, and the Mayor’s Office of Resilience and Sustainability.
The City’s Civic Art Program is managed within the Mayor’s Office of Cultural Affairs (MOCA). Leading the work of telling the stories of Houston’s neighborhoods and people, MOCA’s work in Civic Art includes policy making, commissioning and conserving artworks, and storytelling.
Houston’s Civic Art Program has entered the most robust era of activity it has ever seen and is focused on a community-centric vision for introducing artworks into Houston’s neighborhoods that both respond to community/neighborhood identity and contribute to civic pride.
Much of the Program’s current activity and installation of new artworks in Houston is driven by the Mayor’s Office of Complete Communities and the action plans developed for each, informed by community engagement, which include requests for more art and cultural experiences for residents.
Under Mayor Sylvester Turner, the city has launched its first ever Climate Action Plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, meet the Paris Agreement goal of carbon neutrality by 2050, and to establish itself as a leader for global energy transition.
Mayor Turner has positioned Houston as a leader in resilience and demonstrated the city’s commitment to build forward and build better, even in the face of economic and climate challenges. In support of these goals, the artwork will provide a unique and environmentally sustainable public amenity for the City of Houston.

Distributed Solar is an Anchor for Socially Just Development
During Mayor Sylvester Turner’s administration, ten communities that had been ignored for far too long were identified as focus areas for work across private, public, and nonprofit sectors to collectively overcome economic, environmental, and equity challenges.
As the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund is set to expand the number of low-income and disadvantaged communities primed for residential solar investment, visual and inspiring examples of how solar can be artfully integrated into the cultural fabric of our cities can help provide awareness and serve as a symbol of energy democracy.
Arch of Time fits perfectly within this framework. The artwork will be a lasting addition to the landscape of Houston, supporting sustainable development.
Watch the Houston TV coverage of the announcement with Mayor Sylvester Turner.
Watch a summary video of the project:
[…] neto positivo a un clima saludable y el planeta estará mejor para su existencia», según Land Art Generator, una organización sin fines de lucro que ayudó a realizar el proyecto a través de su interés en […]
[…] as a means to create clean, renewable energy through solar photovoltaic and thermal cells. A recently announced permanent artwork in the city of Houston, Texas makes a way to celebrate sun-centered technology over the eons. […]
[…] neto positivo a un clima saludable y el planeta estará mejor para su existencia», según Land Art Generator, una organización sin fines de lucro que ayudó a realizar el proyecto a través de su interés en […]
[…] to a wholesome climate and the planet will likely be better off for its existence,” per Land Art work Generator, a non-revenue group that helped to love the venture thru its interest in tackling the climate […]
[…] Блог LAGI про “Арку времени” […]
[…] to a healthy climate and the planet will be better off for its existence,” according to Land Art Generator, a non-profit organization that helped to realize the project via its interest in tackling the […]
[…] Das spektakulärste Projekt der LAGI wird 2024 in Houston errichtet. Es ist eine Art Triumphbogen. Auf der Website findest du einige beeindruckende Bilder des Bogens: Er ist 30 Meter hoch und hat eine Spannweite von 50 Metern. Entworfen wurde er vom in Berlin lebenden Künstler und Architekten Riccardo Mariano.Der „Arco del Tiempo“ (Bogen der Zeit), wie Mariano ihn nennt, ist als Kunstwerk mit Nutzwert gedacht. Im Schatten des Bogens können Veranstaltungen wie z.B. Konzerte stattfinden.Die wichtigste Funktion ist das Kraftwerk: 2000 qm Fläche des Bogens sind mit Sonnenkollektoren bestückt, die jährlich ca. 400.000 Kilowattstunden grünen Strom liefern. Hauptabnehmer ist ein lateinamerikanisches Kunstzentrum in Houston. […]
[…] 参考 ▶︎ landartgenerator […]
[…] to a healthy climate and the planet will be better off for its existence,” according to Land Art Generator, a non-profit organization that helped to realize the project via its interest in tackling the […]
[…] to a healthy climate and the planet will be better off for its existence,” according to Land Art Generator, a non-profit organization that helped to realize the project via its interest in tackling the […]
[…] as a means to create clean, renewable energy through solar photovoltaic and thermal cells. A recently announced permanent artwork in the city of Houston, Texas makes a way to celebrate sun-centered technology over the eons. […]
[…] to a healthy climate and the planet will be better off for its existence,” according to Land Art Generator, a non-profit organization that helped to realize the project via its interest in tackling the […]
[…] to a healthy climate and the planet will be better off for its existence,” according to Land Art Generator, a non-profit organization that helped to realize the project via its interest in tackling the […]
[…] as a means to create clean, renewable energy through solar photovoltaic and thermal cells. A recently announced permanent artwork in the city of Houston, Texas makes a way to celebrate sun-centered technology over the eons. […]
[…] as a method to create clear, renewable vitality via photo voltaic photovoltaic and thermal cells. A recently announced permanent artworokay within the metropolis of Houston, Texas makes a method to have fun sun-centered expertise over […]
[…] μέσω φωτοβολταϊκών και θερμικών ηλιακών κυψελών. ΕΝΑ πρόσφατα ανακοινωθεί μόνιμο έργο τέχνηςk στην πόλη του Χιούστον του Τέξας είναι ένας τρόπος να […]
[…] as a means to create clean, renewable energy through solar photovoltaic and thermal cells. A recently announced permanent artwork in the city of Houston, Texas makes a way to celebrate sun-centered technology over the eons. […]
[…] as a means to create clean, renewable energy through solar photovoltaic and thermal cells. A recently announced permanent artwork in the city of Houston, Texas makes a way to celebrate sun-centered technology over the eons. […]
[…] to a healthy climate and the planet will be better off for its existence,” according to Land Art Generator, a non-profit organization that helped to realize the project via its interest in tackling the […]
[…] as a means of generating clean, renewable energy through solar photovoltaic and thermal cells. A Recently announced permanent artworkk in the city of Houston, Texas offers a way to celebrate sun-centric technology across the eons. […]
[…] as a means of creating clean, renewable energy through photovoltaic and solar thermal cells. a recently announced permanent artworkk in the city of Houston, Texas is creating a way to celebrate sun-focused technology through the […]
[…] as a way to create clear, renewable power by photo voltaic photovoltaic and thermal cells. A recently announced permanent artworok within the metropolis of Houston, Texas makes a method to have a good time sun-centered know-how […]
[…] to a healthy climate and the planet will be better off for its existence,” according to Land Art Generator, a non-profit organization that helped to realize the project via its interest in tackling the […]
[…] to a healthy climate and the planet will be better off for its existence,” according to Land Art Generator, a non-profit organization that helped to realize the project via its interest in tackling the […]
[…] unique artwork is more than a sculpture,” Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner said in a statement. “It is a renewable energy power plant. It is a monument to a new era of energy.” “The City […]
[…] positif à un climat sain et la planète s’en portera mieux pour son existence”, selon Générateur de Land Artune organisation à but non lucratif qui a contribué à la réalisation du projet par son intérêt […]
[…] to a healthy climate and the planet will be better off for its existence,” according to Land Art Generator, a non-profit organization that helped to realize the project via its interest in tackling the […]
[…] to a healthy environment and the world will be much better off for its presence,” according to Land Art Generator, a non-profit company that assisted to recognize the job through its interest in dealing with the […]
[…] a wholesome local weather and the planet can be higher off for its existence,” in accordance with Land Artwork Generator, a non-profit group that helped to appreciate the undertaking by way of its curiosity in tackling […]
[…] to a healthy climate and the planet will be better off for its existence,” according to Land Art Generator, a non-profit organization that helped to realize the project via its interest in tackling the […]
[…] to a healthy climate and the planet will be better off for its existence,” according to Land Art Generator, a non-profit organization that helped to realize the project via its interest in tackling the […]
[…] unique artwork is more than a sculpture,” Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner said in a statement. “It is a renewable energy power plant. It is a monument to a new era of energy.” “The City […]
[…] a wholesome local weather and the planet shall be higher off for its existence,” in response to Land Artwork Generator, a non-profit group that helped to comprehend the undertaking through its curiosity in tackling the […]
[…] to a healthy climate and the planet will be better off for its existence,” according to Land Art Generator, a non-profit organization that helped to realize the project via its interest in tackling the […]
[…] net pozitif katkı olarak yaşayacak ve gezegen varlığı için daha iyi durumda olacak.” Ülke Sanat Jeneratörüişlevsellik ve sanatı birleştiren özgün yapılarla iklim kriziyle mücadeleye olan ilgisiyle […]
[…] to a healthy climate and the planet will be better off for its existence,” according to Land Art Generator, a non-profit organization that helped to realize the project via its interest in tackling the […]
[…] un contribuyente neto positivo a un clima saludable y el planeta será mejor por tenerlo», según Generador de Land Artuna organización sin fines de lucro que ayudó a realizar el proyecto a través de su interés en […]
[…] on a healthy climate and the planet will likely be higher off to live,” the statement reads. Land art generatora non-profit organization that helped realize the project through its interest in fighting the […]
[…] to a healthy climate and the planet will be better off for its existence,” according to Land Art Generator, a non-profit organization that helped to realize the project via its interest in tackling the […]
[…] to a healthy climate and the planet will be better off for its existence,” according to Land Art Generator, a non-profit organization that helped to realize the project via its interest in tackling the […]
[…] to a healthy climate and the planet will be better off for its existence,” according to Land Art Generator, a non-profit organization that helped to realize the project via its interest in tackling the […]
[…] to a healthy climate and the planet will be better off for its existence,” according to Land Art Generatora non-profit organization that contributed to the realization of the project through its interest in […]
[…] will be very useful for a healthy climate and the world will be better for it,” according to Land Art Generatora non-profit organization that helped realize this project through its passion for tackling the […]
[…] local weather and the planet will likely be higher off for its existence,” in keeping with Land Art Generator, a non-profit group that helped to comprehend the challenge by way of its curiosity in tackling the […]
[…] local weather and the planet will likely be higher off for its existence,” in accordance to Land Art Generator, a non-profit group that helped to understand the mission by way of its curiosity in tackling the […]
[…] to a healthy climate and the planet will be better off for its existence,” according to Land Art Generator, a non-profit organization that helped to realize the project via its interest in tackling the […]
[…] wholesome local weather and the planet might be higher off for its existence,” in accordance with Land Art Generator, a non-profit group that helped to appreciate the undertaking through its curiosity in tackling the […]
[…] от своего существования», — говорится в сообщении. Генератор ленд-артанекоммерческая организация, которая помогла […]
[…] to a healthy climate and the planet will be better off for its existence,” according to Land Art Generator, a non-profit organization that helped to realize the project via its interest in tackling the […]
[…] to a healthier climate and the planet will be better off for its existence,” according to land art generatorA non-profit organization that helped realize the project through its interest in tackling the […]
[…] Mariano said: “The artwork is a bridge between art and technology and encourages educational purposes while […]