July 31, 2023The Ultimate Guide to Politically Effective Climate Communicationsby landartgenerator bLAGI — Exploring the intersection of culture, climate, and energy. August 2, 2019Caravanserai is a beautiful stop on the journey to a sustainable futureby Artist Team August 1, 2019Spark is a light wave oscillation, enlarged to the scale of the city.by Artist Team July 31, 2019Massive Solar Energy Installation Flies Over Masdar City on Wings of the Futureby Artist Team July 30, 2019Colorful Solar Panel Technology Powers Masdar Calligraphyby Artist Team July 29, 2019The Solar Seesaw offers a participatory approach to shaping landscape and producing clean energy.by Artist Team July 28, 2019Surge is a contemporary take on the public arcadeby Artist Team July 27, 2019A playful solar energy installation interacts with the public day and nightby Artist Team July 26, 2019The sun makes rain over a new Oasis for Masdar Cityby Artist Team July 25, 2019Shimmering Spheres of Light create a Renewable Oasis at Masdar Cityby Artist Team July 24, 2019The First Butterfly generates clean energy and new forest within the desert landscapeby Artist Team July 23, 2019The Solar Compass points our way to a sustainable futureby Artist Team July 22, 2019Analemma makes visible the solar path of Masdarby Artist Team