CSP Today

Can the Solar Hourglass serve as a CSP landmark?
By Heba Hashem, November 10, 2014

From the article:

According to Steven Meyers, researcher at the University of Kassel in the Institute of Thermal Energy Engineering, with a special focus on the solar heat integration into industrial processes, the Solar Hourglass is an interesting new development for the Beam Down technology, and CSP in general.
"On aesthetics alone, it looks quite smooth and sleek, certainly not what is normally associated with power plants, and would serve as an interesting landmark for solar thermal energy."

As with all LAGI concept design proposals, The Solar Hourglass will need to tackle many engineering problems in schematic and detailed design. The CSP Today article points the way to solutions and we hope to have the opportunity to work with researchers like Dr. Meyers on bringing the artwork to life.