Land Art Generator Solar Mural Artwork Program

Anything an artist can do in paint, they can now do in solar!

With the advent of solar panel customization, art in public space stands ready for a revolution. Land Art Generator Solar Mural artworks celebrate local culture, provide new opportunities for artists, and make communities more vibrant and livable, all while reducing the carbon footprint of our cities as part of the solution to climate change. In sustainable cities of the very near future, murals will be fabricated from photovoltaic panels as often as they are created with paints.

We work with communities and site owners to:

  • Facilitate calls to local artists and muralists through RFP and RFQ process
  • Help identify local partners
  • Help with community outreach and educational program development
  • Assist with budgeting
  • Identify ideal sites and mural orientation
  • Identify appropriate solar technology
  • Facilitate the design process
  • Provide detailed fabrication drawings
  • Coordinate fabrication and installation

Please contact us to bring a Solar Mural artwork to your community!