LAGI Glasgow is demonstrating the potential for artists, designers, and architects to contribute to renewable energy infrastructure and integrate it into a place-making approach. The project will undertake research and development integrating art and interdisciplinary creative processes into the conception of site-specific, solution-based public art interventions which also function as innovative renewable energy power plants. The project has arisen out of a shared interest amongst the collaborators—BIGG, Glasgow City Council, Glasgow Life/Velocity, Land Art Generator Initiative, Scottish Canals as well as Creative Carbon Scotland and ecoartscotland—in the potential for creative practice to address renewable energy as a social and cultural as well as built environment issue and energy policy issue.


LAGI was invited to bring the project to Glasgow by the City Council at the instigation of ecoartscotland and as a result of Creative Carbon Scotland’s Green Teas(e) — part of the European Green Arts Lab Alliance project. The Dundas Hill site was suggested as one of a number of potential sites by the City Council, a lead partner in the Glasgow Canal Partnership. Scottish Canals/BIGG Regeneration welcomed the suggestion and have supported the evolution of the project. The site is ideal for a research and development process following on from the outcomes from the a Charette process undertaken in late 2014.

In addition, as part of this  an urban masterplanning exercise is currently commencing with a view to development in the future by BIGG Regeneration, a joint venture between igloo Regeneration Fund and Scottish Canals. Velocity and Creative Carbon Scotland are supporting LAGI Glasgow.


The LAGI Glasgow project will undertake research and development for the potential role of innovative site specific renewable energy infrastructure. We will assemble new interdisciplinary teams comprising Glasgow-based and overseas expertise. The overseas expertise with extensive knowledge of mainstream and emerging renewables technologies have been drawn from previous teams whose proposals have been shortlisted in LAGI design competitions over the past three cycles (2010 United Arab Emirates, 2012 New York City, and 2014 Copenhagen). Glasgow-based expertise brings an understanding of recent innovative and creative practice, local knowledge and capacity.


The brief that the teams will address will highlight the Canal Partnership’s  ambitions for the Dundas Hill site to be a landmark development, raising ‘place awareness’. The Dundas Hill is currently brownfield site (a former distillery) and BIGG Regeneration aims to deliver a creative, low energy, custom build and mixed use development. The LAGI Project perfectly augment this change to the area and become a city-wide landmark for this new type of place, linking sustainability and social justice aspects related to district energy.


The LAGI Glasgow project also meets wider city ambitions for a more sustainable future reflecting the transformation from an industrial city to a sustainable leader – ‘Steam to Green story’. The project speaks to the ambitions for Glasgow to engage in a new green industrial economy; develop a strong growth in green jobs including the creative, science and engineering sectors, apprenticeships and employment; and develop public engagement and participation with renewables.





Land Art Generator Initiative

By providing a platform for creative inquiry into the aesthetics of renewable energy, LAGI seeks to create broader acceptance and bring greater versatility to clean energy generation systems that will help to expand their proliferation into buildings and public spaces. Land Art Generators are aesthetic renewable energy infrastructures: public art installations that have the added benefit of large-scale clean energy generation. Each proposed work is designed to contribute clean kilowatt-hours to the municipal electricity grid.


Since 2010, LAGI has held four idea-based competitions, bringing together hundreds of teams to develop ideas for aesthetic solutions to renewable energy for sites in the United Arab Emirates, New York City, Copenhagen, Southern California in 2010, 2012, 2014, and 2016, respectively. LAGI was founded and is directed by Elizabeth Monoian and Robert Ferry.

The results of the competitions are made public in venues, workshops, literature, and educational materials to inspire the general public about the potentials of our energy landscapes.


Selection Panel and Advisory Group

A selection panel including all the major stakeholders, Chaired by Bailie Cameron, has been identified. In addition the panel includes:

  • Bailie Elizabeth Cameron
  • Chris Brown, Director, BIGG
  • Steve Dunlop, Director, Scottish Canals
  • Elizabeth Monoian and Robert Ferry, LAGI
  • Sarah Munro, Head of Arts, Glasgow Life
  • Ian Gilzean, Chief Architect for Scotland
  • Sarah Munro, Head of Arts Glasgow
  • Paul Cosgrove, Head of Department, Sculpture and Environmental Art, Glasgow School of Art
  • Jan Hogarth, Director, Wide Open

The panel will select local teams for the project and will then act as the jury for the competition. The selection panel will be supported by a wider technical advisory group.


Wider context

Scotland has established significant targets for renewable energy production. See Scottish Government 2020 Routemap For Renewable Energy In Scotland – Update 2013:


Glasgow's emerging City Development Plan places sustainability and placemaking at its core. One of its main aims is to improve the quality of development taking place in Glasgow by promoting a design-led approach. This will in turn, contribute in protecting and improving the quality of the environment, improving health and reducing health inequality, making the planning process as inclusive as possible and ensuring that new development attains the highest sustainability levels.


In addition, the City Development Plan encourages proposals that contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and overall energy use and which facilitate the delivery of renewable energy and heat. This includes support for a wide range of technologies that generate energy and/or heat from renewable sources, and distribute it efficiently. However, it is essential that these proposals do not negatively impact the landscape character, transport infrastructure, the amenity of surrounding uses or the water, natural or built environments.


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